The Toilet ov Hell Valentines Day 2015 Playlist


Oh hey, Valentines Day is tomorrow. Here is your soundtrack to getting gouged by florists and restaurants.

Out of all the holidays on the calendar, Valentines Day is certainly one of them. Unlike Christmas (which is terrible), I’ve got no strong feelings about this day one way or another. Dubya is all giddy to serenade Laura with R. Kelly jams, Masterlord has hella romantic plans with Lady SteelDragon, and Randall Thor is going to fuck a dragon. This year February 14th is just another Saturday for me, so I’mma thrash and kill some BEERS, bro.

So whatever you plan on getting up to this weekend, whether it be a grossly overpriced evening with your lady and/or fella, desperately swiping away at Tinder, or weeping pitifully into your smuggled flask at the 50 Shades of Grey premier, we’ve got you covered with this sick ass playlist of songs vaguely related to love and hearts and stuff.

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