Getting Laid at Bandcamp


Hello Internets! Tyree here. A bunch of you guys wanted me to post the best of my underground Bandcamp findings on the Toilet Ov Hell so here we are. Most of you know who I am but, those of you who do not know me I’ve give you  brief summary about my self and why I enjoy Bandcamp so much.

Aside from listening to great metal and going to concerts I enjoy searching & exhuming new artists from the internet. The one place that I find it best to discover great underground bands is on Bandcamp allows me to follow others that have similar tastes in music as I do,  follow record companies, follow bands/artist, and I can stream the music from the site without having to pay. Another fun part of Bandcamp is the ability to see what friends have purchased. I’ve found tons of bands/artists by just looking to see what others have purchased. Bandcamp has become an addiction of mine and it has certainly put a dent in my checking account. Is it worth it though? I’d say definitely!

My first draft of this post contained around 55 of my favorite releases this year. That was a bit excessive, so Joe and I narrowed it down to five bands per post. Look forward to this becoming a regular thing.

Each of these 5 bands has released material this year.

Enjoy or not.

Skáphe – S/T

This is absolutely one of my favorite releases of this year. I’ve really never heard black metal quite like this before honestly. While being harsh, nightmarish, and claustrophobic it is also very captivating and beautiful. Give it a listen.



Ad Infinitum – Woven Within

This one-man black metal project from Eastern, Kentucky more than impressed me with the newest LP Woven Within. I hate to use the word epic but this is truly an epic work. There is some great chilling atmosphere, harsh buried vocals, and eerie chords. I recommend listening to this album while writing or designing. I listened to this while creating a Photoshop piece and the end result was horrifying, Hahaha.



Ruine – Winter 2014 Demo 7

This demo came out at the beginning of this year and got introduced to it by the one and only Kim Kelly a.k.a. Grim Kim. This project consists of members of Magrudergrind and Mutilation Rites and they play only the filthiest grittiest sounding sludge metal you can imagine. This is fucking heavy!!!



Exxxekutioner – Fear the Priest

Open a beer and thrash the fuck out to Exxxekutioner! Raw blackened thrash to the bone, need I say more?



King Dude & Chelsea Wolfe Sing More Songs Together…

Oh man do I love me some Chelsea Wolfe. Her voice is absolutely mesmerizing and the hair on the back of my neck stands up when I hear her sing. Both songs on this release are great but the very first song “Be Free” really latched on to me. King Dude’s voice compliments Chelsea’s very well and they sing some completely despairing lyrics that you must listen to.


There’s the first 5. I have a SHIT TON more just waiting to be posted for you guys. Hopefully you enjoy at least one of these bands.





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