Pure Fucking Armageddon


It’s time to deliver the Satan, the evil, the hate, the goddamn METAL in this toilet. I’ve been away for a long time from the writing process of this site, but I’m back to achieve this goal! MORE GODDAMN GRIMNESS AND SATAN I SAY!!! I can’t wait for you all to hate what I post here, but please don’t feel the need to say “Good job” or do nice things just because you feel it’s right or because others pressure you to do so. Fuck that! Say what you want, it’s an Open Swim.

Howard Dean report some awesome metal news that we all need to hear about, GL post a video of a band that probably sucks, KSOFM post a great fucking band I have never heard before, Christian show me some fucked up band/project that needs to be heard about, Masterlord post some nerdy black metal I never heard of before, W. Post some grind that I never heard of before that I may or may not like, Joe post some great folk or female song writer I’ve never heard of before.  This can be an open swim for all I fucking care; because honestly I don’t care, discuss what you want, discuss other metal, discuss movies, discuss whatever. There are no restrictions in the comment sections for my posts.

Also, here are some albums from 2015 that I like.


GoatbloodAdoration of Blasphemy and War (2015)

Hailing from Germany this duo play some of the filthiest black/war metal there is. Listening to this disgusting 666 beast of blasphemy reminds me a lot of of early days of Beherit and Sarcófago, and the current days of modern war metal acts like Black Witchery and Revenge. The guitars are a buzz saw of menacing chaos while the percussion is a unrelenting blast of fury which is guiding and marching Satan’s vile army through a valley of trapped souls that are begging to be saved, crumbling them and leaving them with no savior. Vocals are destructive and barked into a bleeding moonlit sky echoing in hateful blackness to the lord of war. Goatblood went into this album with one thing in mind which was to make a completely ferocious and blasphemous album that leaves you completely crushed by the fist of Satan. Prepare for total fucking chaos and death.



Black Candle RitualPassages Of Black Devotion (2015)

This is raw black metal done right folks, learn from this demon known as Revenant hailing from Tulsa, Oklahoma who brings the erie yet menacing riffs and also delivers some of the best black metal vocals around. The vocals remind me of one of my favorite black metals vocalist of all time, Hat from Gorgoroth. Hat only really did one full length album with Gorgoroth which was the classic Pentagram which stands still as one of my all time favorite black metal albums especially for the vocals alone. Production is raw but also very clear. The vocals and guitar are prominent leaving the drums as the only aspect of the mix to be fuzzy and less comprehensible. I’m more than certain that the drums are a drum machine, but it works well enough in the mix to not really matter. There honestly is nothing here I can complain about, aside from the fake drums. The riffs are great, the vocals are incredible, and the songs are magnificent. If you want some great raw black metal look no further.


OccultusNuctemeron (2015)

Spoiler alert! AOTY material for me and it’s because Occultus simply do not fuck around. This is some of the meanest blackened death I’ve heard this year and I crave goddamn mean metal. What’s great about Nuctemeron is that it never really lets up. It can be a 666 ton freight train crushing everything in its path like a juggernaut or it can be a mid tempo bruising machine, fisting posers to death until they are pounded into anal corpse mush. The drums are straight forward blasting and double bass most of the time while also allowing some interesting breaks and patterns, but for the most part it’s tight unrelenting blasting which I can never complain about. Guitars are crushing but allow for some really unique riffs and dissonance which adds some really scary moments to the album. Vocals are great by blending really high pitched screams and really low pitched grunts and growls. This album is a fucking monster and it will never show any kind of mercy upon thee.

Photo on 5-15-15 at 7.46 PM


AntinomianNihilum Infandum (2015)

I saved this one for last because it’s the hardest album to write about due to how unique and long it is. This album consists of 4 songs in just over 40 minutes, so that alone is something. Antinomian is another one piece black metal project that plays a very haunting, dissonant, and mid-paced style of black metal. There are some faster sections but the album is a mostly plodding in a unique and captivating way. Song structures are brilliant, flowing very nicely adding suspense and explosions at the same time. Guitars are very frighting and dissonant as I said while vocals vary from really sharp piecing shrieks to the average sounding black metal barks and growls. This album is a frightening and trippy nightmare into the black abyss. Don’t miss out on this hellish ride. Oh and also, the last song Intergenesis Of Chaos And Void is scary as fuck and also the best song on the album.

Photo on 5-15-15 at 7.45 PM #2

Eat shit and die, Ricky!

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