I Don’t See Nothing Wrong with a Little Bump’n’Grind


Emphasis on the grind. If you’re anything like me, a good grind tune is like a shot of adrenaline. It kicks you in the nads and gives you the rage-fuel to power through even the most difficult, Surge-esque obstacles. Grind has served me well, and I want to pass the blessing onto you. Therefore, I have prepared five grind releases for your auditory pleasure. Shout out to the morbid folk at the grindcore subreddit for posting these bands. Try not to turn into a coke-fueled sharknado while you jam.

Dakhma – Ungeziefer

Dakhma are a new two-man grind band from San-Fran. This is raw, vitriolic grind leaning more on the hardcore side than the DM side. I’m a sucker for grind songs that are longer than 30 seconds, and four of the five tracks on this release deliver. Plus, it’s a “name your price” release. What’s not to like?



OLDBONES are a gaggle of extreme metal luminaries from Brooklyn, and the influences of their other bands, including Hivesmasher, are evident. This is some pissed off grind more on the metallic side. Check out the Soundcloud stream and blast with these guys.


The Heads Are Zeros – All the Men I Love Are Dead

This five-track release is awesome. The Heads Are Zeros are fronted by the very talented Olivia Henry, and the angst and rage evident in her vocals are palpable. Between her tortured screams and the unique guitar work shredding over the chaotic drums, this is a brutal and mesmerizing release. Stream it at Bandcamp and toss them a few bucks.


Coffin Birth – Necrotic Liquefaction

This is some heinous deathgrind from down under. Pummeling blasts layered with tormented growls and banshee wails whip you with barbed wire dipped in vinegar before leaving your corpse to rot in an alligator feeding pool. Even when the gang slows stuff down (like on “Guilt Ridden Erosion”), they kill it. Check them out on Bandcamp and download the album for any price.


Organ Dealer – Demo 2014

This one needs no more of a recommendation than our good fried Tyree’s seal of approval. “Oh man that’s unrelenting. I approve.” I’m excited to hear what these guys do next. Check out their Bandcamp and pick up the demo for any price.


(Photo VIA)

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