Toilet Ov Hell shirts now available!


You asked for ’em, and now we’ve got ’em.

To celebrate Toilet Ov Hell’s first birthday, we’re proud to unveil our first t-shirt design to all you loyal flushers who keep the internet’s finest porcelain throne running smoothly.

Here’s a closer look at the supremely badass design from Lauren Gornik:

TOHshirtdesign_700Witness the unfathomable horrors of Hell’s infernal outhouse

There are two options to gird your loins with Toilet goodness: a high quality American Apparel print in sizes Small through Extra Large, and a budget Fruit of the Loom option that offers additional sizes. Choose your poison and rep your favorite heavy metal blog at bars, shows, funerals, and bar mitzvahs.

Face it: you want one of these. This offer is available for a very limited time. Stab here to order.

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