Getting Laid at Bandcamp III


Your good pal Tyree is back with more diamonds in the rough.


Mannveira – Von Er Eitur

Mannveira is the one man black metal project of Illugi Kristinsson from Reykjavik, Iceland. Von Er Eitur is a 3 song EP that oozes thick, hate-filled tar. Get on this now and be damned to the deepest depths of hell. CHAOS REIGNS!



Sacrocurse – Unholier Master

This album is a total fucking burner. I knew it was going to be one giant skull crusher, but I had no idea how crushing it would actually turn out to be. The drums and the guitars never let up but for a few brief moments during the entire album and the vocals sound like they are being yelled by the Unholier Master himself. This is one of the most unrelenting albums I’ve heard this year aside from the new Diocletian. You could probably start a fire with Unholier Master.



Pregnacy – Demo

Gore-grind done to perfection! Groovy, catchy, and fucking heavy! GET ON THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW! You won’t find a more heinous grind release in 2014 (and that’s a bold statement).



Rats Blood – Punks Is Mutants EP

What is there to say about Rats Blood? the answer is “PUNK AND FUCKING DESTROY!” This EP is just a fun time and when I listen to it, I just want to drink beer and be mean. Punks Is Mutants is a must have for any of you punks out there.



Urzeit – Der zweite Drei

These fine lads from Portland, Oregon are fixed on making some of the filthiest and most violent sounding black metal possible.  Everything about Der zweite Drei is mean and ugly!



Human Collapse – Darkness to Fall

I don’t always like melodic death metal, but when I do I prefer to listen to  Human Collapse. These fine gentlemen from Saint Petersburg, Russia add a little doom to their death metal and play some goosebump-worthy guitar leads.



Tyree’s banner artwork of the week: 

Catholic Girls Poster (Small)

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