Listen to a new Baroness track – “Shock Me”


Welcome to Monday, you guys.

I’m well aware that post-Red Baroness has left many in the metal world cold. Some of y’all don’t dig poppy and life-affirming tracks like “Take My Bones Away” and “March to the Sea”. That’s fine. If you’re one of those sad folks that no longer possesses a soul to serenade, there’s always new [Redacted: I don’t wanna piss anyone off]. For the rest of us, there’s “Shock Me”. Once again, Baroness has made me feel feelings that I’m not entirely comfortable feeling, yet I’m thrilled to feel them.

Previously, our first new taste of Baroness’ upcoming record Purple was “Chlorine and Wine“, a jammy burner of a cut. But “Shock Me” is obviously the big, soaring single this record deserves. I’ve listened to this song a dozen times tonight and I cannot wait to hear the rest of this album soon. It’s out December 18th and you can preorder it here. Listen to “Shock Me” below:

Big thanks to Tim and (especially) Ellipsis.

Image (Via)

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