Sunday Sesh: Vive La France and Healing for Beirut


Today, we mourn all those who lost their lives in the deadly terror attacks of November 13th. At least 128 innocents were killed in a senseless tragedy and act of reckless hate. Nous sommes trop tous les Français d’aujourd’hui.

What do we do in the face of senseless violence? We stand firm with those who live. We mourn with those who’ve lost their loved ones. We pray if we believe, and we hope if we do not. We advocate for justice, and we do not let fear and ignorance divide us. We put hands and feet to our compassion and give as we can.

If you are able, please consider donating to Red Cross or other agencies to support those whose lives and worlds have been shattered.

If you have nothing else to give, give your heart and hope and sorrow and love to the people of Paris. Share your support below. Vive la France.

It’s easy to forget that in some parts of the world, living under terror is a way of life. It shouldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t be so commonplace for sectarian violence and persecution to occur in the Middle East that we in the West turn a blind eye to it, but this is sadly often the case. On November 12, a suicide bombing in Lebanon’s capital claimed the lives of 45 innocents and injured many, many more. Many of us never even heard of it because we’ve been led to believe that this sort of violence, often caused by centuries-old political rivalries wielded as weapons by cowards in the service of hate, is just what happens over there. It shouldn’t be this way. Lebanon, a nation that has often found peace amid divided ideologies and has welcomed refugees from terror with compassion, is as much a victim as France. Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East, is as much a victim as its sister in the West.

Again, help as you can. Spread truth and peace and knowledge as you can. Fight against tyranny, ignorance, and fear.

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