Riff of the Week: 8-6-16



My humblest apologies for whiffing on riffing last week. I don’t know how much you heard, but there was a fire and a Russian super-villain situation and I’m a hero.

The week before last, however, was taken by Waynecro. His guilty pleasure was either the guiltiest, the most pleasurable, or perhaps both.

Next week, we’re using a fresh idea sent in by you. Next week, we honor our fallen. What I mean by this is that your riffs must have been penned by a deceased guitarist. Their spirits shall live on through the pow’r of their mighty riffs.

Until then, we can jam this week’s riffs.



I’ve been trying to find a way to plagiarize this riff for years, but I can’t do it. It’s perfect, and any variation on it would be like giving the Mona Lisa a fucking unibrow or something.



strayRiff @ 0:10. Album out August 19th


Tertius Decimus

Kasta in några Svenska musik. Riff är ganska enkel men slående. Vintersorg inte göra denna typ av saker längre. Starta vid 00:25.

Ted Nü-Djent

The intro riff which goes for about 1 minute is pretty damn ominous. I’m looking forward to hearing the rest of the album when it drops on September 23rd.






Ever wish that a riff would go on and on forever but the riff gods think otherwise? Well, here’s one for you. When you have a riff this good, it should be milked within an inch of its life. Not the two measly run throughs that you get here. Riff @ 3:00.



Sick and brutal, yet melodic death metal from Turkmenistan. Plus almost grindcore-grade short length. Nuff said, and riff starts at 2:00.


Tom Warrior’s Beanie

TomWarriorsBeanie here again with the riff that has been stuck in my head for the past week. Begin headbanging at 1:05.


Nordling Rites ov Karhu

Last time I submitted I would have won, but then some Lizzardwizzard conjured up a band to share his choice and bam, some 238 additional votes appeared out of nowhere.
It’s like nothing’s ever good enough for you fellers, so whatever. There’s a riff at 2:00 that’s a riff by some band that has some riffs, you might have riffed them.



Surpisingly, the demo in this one sounds better than the original album, so I will nominate the ’92 version of this kickingass material. Eucharist sorrowful melodic elements plagued their compositions and the cathartic geometrical melodies on 4:05 goes to a simple razor attack that explodes after the previous intense minutes of melancholic blasting. This song is part of my list of quintessencial melodic death metal historic pieces!



A sweet riff starts after the drumroll at 0:55. The riff sounds particularly awesome when the drums change at 1:07. You might as well listen to the whole song, though. It rips, and it’s only 1:21 long.

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