Jam the New Transcending Obscurity Compilation and Win a Free T-shirt!


You may not immediately recognize the name Transcending Obscurity, but you’ve almost certainly jammed some of the label’s excellent releases. Transcending Obscurity is one of the hardest working labels in underground metal, constantly hustling to bring obtuse new acts to light and give underrepresented spheres a voice in the greater metal community. On top of all that, label head Kunal Choksi is a total mensch who just wants to share some of the love with the Toilet. To that end, we’re bringing you a double dose of goodness from Transcending Obscurity. Jam some killer tunes and get a free shirt. Win-win, baby.

Transcending Obscurity’s new Label Sampler 2016 features a whopping 55(!) acts, many of whom you’ve no doubt known and loved. Featured on this list are Toilet favorites like Henry KaneStench PriceNorse, and Veilburner, in addition to some unfamiliars that you should definitely keep your eye on, like MarginalBriargh, and Dusk. This compilation is chock-full of brutal deliciousness, but best of all is that it’s totally free* (i.e. NYP). Whether you’re a fan of death/doom, pagan black metal, or crust, there’s a little something here for you.

Although this compilation alone is a steal, we want to sweeten the deal for you. Just as he did with our pals over at NCS, Kunal wants to give away two siqqq Transcending Obscurity shirts totally gratis to two of our lucky readers. The shirt design, featured below, was created by none other than Mark Riddick of Morbid Visions fame. Riddick has taken his grotesque penchant for the ravenous dead and slapped it on a killer design that you can sport totally free!

The Rules

All you have to do to win one of those excellent Riddick shirts is: 1. Listen to the compilation. 2. Post one song in the comments and explain in 50 words why you think it rules. 3. Like Transcending Obscurity on Facebook. That’s it. I’ll pick two winners at the end of the week, and Kunal will ship you a shirt totally free. Play. Explain. Like. Win.

Play. Explain. Like. Win.

To see a full list of all the bands featured, scroll down.

  1. Officium Triste (Netherlands) – Your Heaven, My Underworld (Death/Doom Metal)
  2. Mythological Cold Towers (Brazil) – Vetustus (Death/Doom Metal)
  3. Paganizer (Sweden) – Adjacent to Purgatory (Old School Death Metal)
  4. Ursinne (International) – Talons (Old School Death Metal) SUPERGROUP
  5. Echelon (International) – Lex Talionis (Classic Death Metal) SUPERGROUP
  6. Henry Kane (Sweden) – Skuld Och Begar (Death Metal/Crust)
  7. Stench Price (International) – Living Fumes ft. Dan Lilker (Experimental Grindcore) SUPERGROUP
  8. Sepulchral Curse (Finland) – Envisioned In Scars (Blackened Death Metal)
  9. Fetid Zombie (US) – Devour the Virtuous (Old School Death Metal)
  10. Infinitum Obscure (Mexico) – Towards the Eternal Dark (Dark Death Metal)
  11. Altar of Betelgeuze (Finland) – Among the Ruins (Stoner Death Metal)
  12. Illimitable Dolor (Australia) – Comet Dies or Shines (Atmospheric Doom/Death)
  13. The Furor (Australia) – Cavalries of the Occult (Black/Death Metal)
  14. Warlord UK (United Kingdom) – Maximum Carnage (Old School Death Metal)
  15. Norse (Australia) – Drowned By Hope (Dissonant Black Metal)
  16. Soothsayer (Ireland) – Of Locust and Moths (Atmospheric Doom/Sludge)
  17. Swampcult (Netherlands) – Chapter I: The Village (Lovecraftian Black/Doom Metal)
  18. Seedna (Sweden) – Wander (Atmospheric Black Metal)
  19. The Slow Death (Australia) – Adrift (Atmospheric Doom Metal)
  20. Arkheth (Australia) – Your Swamp My Wretched Queen (Experimental Black Metal)
  21. Mindkult (US) – Howling Witch (Doom/Stoner Metal)
  22. Warcrab (UK) – Destroyer of Worlds (Death Metal/Sludge)
  23. Isgherurd Morth (International) – Lucir Stormalah (Avant-garde Black Metal)
  24. Lurk (Finland) – Ostrakismos (Atmospheric Doom/Sludge Metal)
  25. Come Back From The Dead (Spain) – Better Morbid Than Slaves (Old School Death Metal)
  26. Somnium Nox (Australia) – Apocrypha (Atmospheric Black Metal)
  27. MRTVI (UK) – This Shell Is A Mess (Experimental Black Metal)
  28. Veilburner (US) – Necroquantum Plague Asylum (Experimental Black/Death Metal)
  29. Jupiterian (Brazil) – Permanent Grey (Doom/Sludge Metal)
  30. Exordium Mors (New Zealand) – As Vultures Descend (Black/Thrash Metal)
  31. Embalmed (US) – Brutal Delivery of Vengeance (Brutal Death Metal)
  32. Gloom (Spain) – Erik Zann (Blackened Brutal Death Metal)
  33. Marasmus (US) – Conjuring Enormity (Death Metal)
  34. Algoma (Canada) – Reclaimed By The Forest (Sludge/Doom Metal)
  35. Cemetery Winds (Finland) – Realm of the Open Tombs (Blackened Death Metal)
  36. Marginal (Belgium) – Sign of the Times (Crust/Grind)
  37. Chalice of Suffering (US) – Who Will Cry (Death/Doom Metal)
  38. Briargh (Spain) – Sword of Woe (Pagan Black Metal)
  39. Ashen Horde (US) – Desecration of the Sanctuary (Progressive Black Metal)
  40. The Whorehouse Massacre (Canada) – Intergalactic Hell (Atmospheric Sludge)
  41. Rudra (Singapore) – Ancient Fourth (Vedic Metal)
  42. Dusk (Pakistan) – For Majestic Nights (Death/Doom Metal)
  43. Ilemauzar (Singapore) – The Dissolute Assumption (Black/Death Metal)
  44. Severe Dementia (Bangladesh) – The Tormentor (Old School Death Metal)
  45. Warhound (Bangladesh) – Flesh Decay (Old School Death Metal)
  46. Assault (Singapore) – Ghettos (Death/Thrash Metal)
  47. Gutslit (India) – Scaphism (Brutal Death/Grind)
  48. Plague Throat (India) – Inherited Failure (Death Metal)
  49. Darkrypt (India) – Dark Crypt (Dark Death Metal)
  50. Against Evil (India) – Stand Up and Fight! (Heavy Metal)
  51. Grossty (India) – Gounder Grind (Grindcore/Crust)
  52. Dormant Inferno (India) – Embers of You (Death/Doom Metal)
  53. Carnage Inc. (India) – Defiled (Thrash Metal)
  54. Lucidreams (India) – Ballox (Heavy Metal)
  55. Nightgrave (India) – Augment (Experimental Black Metal/Shoegaze)

Thanks again to Kunal and Transcending Obscurity for the generosity. Download the sampler at TO’s Bandcamp page, check out the official webstore, and follow Transcending Obscurity on Facebook.

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