Granny 4 Barrel – Nitro Sexy: A Video Breakdown

Grandma got run over by a nitro-burning funny car.
There’s no shortage of wacky gimmicks in metal. You’ve got monsters, aliens, mushroomheads, motograters, whatever Avatar is, bands with dogs as the vocalists, bands with a bird as a vocalist, and so much more. Just when you think it’s all been done, a new band pops up to make you go, “Wait, really?” Today, that band is Granny 4 Barrel. I’ll let the hard rock band from Upstate New York (Come 2 Poughkeepsie) explain themselves.
Granny 4 Barrel – “The Matriarch Of Metal” : A neo-Victorian shock rock nightmare! Granny is a true original. She represents the rebellious spirit of rock n’ roll, freedom of expression and nonconformity. Think of Granny as the surrogate bad-ass metal grandma you’ve always wanted… She’s cooking up her special recipe of hybrid metal for all the rock-n-roll children, and serving up a big middle finger to all the stereotypes and oppressions of the world! Who’s Your Granny? Granny 4 Barrel is!!!
Are you ready for some “neo-Victorian shock rock” from a “bad-ass metal grandma”? Well, tough. You’re getting it anyway. Here’s the music video for their latest song ‘Nitro Sexy’. Let’s break it down.
This extremely calm “Fuck you” is brought to us by bubble baths, lit candles, and horse tranquilizers.
So this is what happened after King Diamond helped Grandma out of her chair.
This National Lampoon’s Family Vacation remake is wild.
There’s so much going on that I almost missed that there are multiple top hats in this band.
Did I say horse tranquilizers? I meant rhino tranquilizers mixed with Benadryl.
Granny is going to open a can of Werther’s-flavored whoop-ass on you, sonny.
“Gun safety is for nerds” – Granny 4 Barrel
“Two people were shot dead today on the Albany-Saratoga Speedway after a deranged octogenarian fired on their car because she was losing a drag race.”
RIP the word “sexy”
Granny 4 Barrel’s song “Nitro Sexy” is available now.