This Toilet Tuesday (7/18/17)


It’s a Toilet Tuesday, and you know what that means: piles of new music and tiny reviews. This particular pile is actually pretty small, but there are some solid jams to be had. Hans, DumpsterLung, and I have picked out a couple standouts, but don’t skimp on the rest of the list.

Intoxicated Blood – Compulsive Violence (Rotten Cemetery Records) [Deathgrind]

Got the mangled corpse on the cover and the clumsy band name (can you tell they’re not native speakers?), so you know this isn’t music of the sophisticated kind. It’s Brutal Grinding Death with breeing vocals and breakdowns here and there. The latter are mostly kept short, like the songs themselves; pedal to the metal is the motto. Are there surprises? Not really. But at least they studied the textbook well and the delivery is intense. Will this make your year end list? Not likely. But it’s fast, cathartic fun and a good one to throw on the next time someone unpleasant asks you what you listen to. 7/18/17 (Hans)

Idolist – Idolist (Independent) [Black Metal]

While not utterly reinventing the wheel, Idolist do enough differently to keep you on your toes. Some melodic guitar leads and solos, a bit of tasteful use of keyboards, melancholic quiet moments, all resting on a solid foundation of genre staples. I hesitate to throw out the term blackgaze lest you scrunch up your corsepainted face even further, but there’s the occasional feint in that direction before they throw a jab of sheer aggression. None of the songs are overly long, so they move through everything quickly, always keeping it interesting and hitting you with something new while you’re still thinking about that last part. Definitely bears repeat listens. Start now. 7/17/17 (Hans)

The Desolate – Transcendent Abomination (Independent) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Hall of Shadows”

Transcendent Abomination is The Desolate‘s first EP following 3 full-lengths, but it’s the first I’ve heard of them, and it makes me want to hear more. The EP begins building tension with doomy, melodic guitars that give way to a straight up thrash riff, and then things really don’t let up from there until it’s over, though The Desolate do throw a lot of variety into each song. Overall, they play a very thrashy melodic death metal that sounds like a cross between Revocation and The Black Dahlia Murder, so that ought to get a lot of people pretty excited. I jammed a tiny bit of material from the last album, and the production is the most notable difference. The final track on the EP is a re-recorded song from the second album, and fits right in with the rest of the songs that come before it, so it seems like these guys have been shredding for a while now. If you’re new to these dudes, as I am, then this seems like a pretty good place to start, and regardless, I’m already looking forward to the next full album these guys will put out. FFO: Revocation, The Black Dahlia Murder, (newer) Carcass 7/22/17 (DumpsterLung)

Dream Void – Sanctimonious (Independent) [Tech Death]
Listen to “These Cursed Zakarum”

It’s been a bit since I’ve come across some solid atmospheric tech death, but based on the first single, I’m hopeful that Dream Void will remedy that. “These Cursed Zakarum” features some sweet start-stop diminished riffs in its first half, belying its surprisingly chill latter portion. It gives me similar vibes to the most recent Virvum and Burial in the Sky albums; if they’re similar in quality as well, this will be a necessity for tech fans. 7/21/17 (Spear)

A Stick and A Stone – The Long Lost Art of Getting Lost (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) [Doom/Neofolk]

Barbarian – Barbarian (Hells Headbangers) [Black/Speed Metal]
Listen to “Simulacra of the Ageless Need”

Cytotoxin – Gammageddon (Unique Leader Records) [Brutal/Tech Death]
Listen to “Radiatus Generis,” “Gammageddon”

Decrepit Birth – Axis Mundi (Nuclear Blast Records) [Tech Death]
Listen to “Epigenetic Triplicity,” “Hieroglyphic”
Tech Death Thursday

Disorder/Distruptor – Underworld (split- Witches Brew) [Thrash]

Distoriam/Trobar/Trollwar – Dristrollbar (split- Independent) [Folk Metal]

Encyrcle – Burning Child (Independent) [Speed Metal]

Entrench – Through the Walls of Flesh (I Hate) [Thrash]
Listen to “The Warmonger Sacrament”

Galderia – Return of the Cosmic Men (Massacre Records) [Power Metal]
Listen to “High Up In the Air”

Impiedoso – Reign in Darkness (Independent) [Black Metal]

Koltdown – Rising (Independent) [Groove Metal]
Listen to “King of the Damned”

Maglor – Asunder (Independent) [Folk/Black Metal]

Moral Hazard – Moral Hazard (Independent) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Moral Hazard,” “The Island”

Natrium – Vertigo of Abjection (Ultimate Massacre Productions) [Tech/Brutal Death]
Listen to “Vertigo of Abjection,” “Ingrained Heteronomy”

Pathology – Pathology (Comatose Music) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Dolorous”

Prospekt – The Illuminated Sky (Lasers Edge) [Prog Metal]
Listen to “Alien Makers of Discord”

Soul Remnants – Ouroboros (eOne Music) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Dissolving Into Obscurity,” “Echoes of Insanity”

Sun of the Sleepless – To the Elements (Prophecy Productions) [Black Metal]

Tau Cross – Pillar of Fire (Relapse Records) [Crust/Heavy Metal]

Trigger – Cryogenesis (Independent) [Power Prog/Thrash]

Under Assault – Possessed By Steel (Witches Brew) [Thrash]
Listen to “Possessed By Steel”

Wintersun – The Forest Seasons (Nuclear Blast Records) [Symphonic Melodeath/Power Metal]

Zgard – Within the Swirl of Black Vigor (Svarga Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Frozen Space”

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA, VIA, VIA)

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