Toilet Radio 128: The Drugs and Alcohol Episode


We’re talking about silly booze and weed-themed bands (Tankard, Cannabis Corpse, Trappist, etc…), our own disgusting substance habits, Jordan’s decision to be straight edge, recognizing when you’ve got a problem, Vinnie Paul’s untimely death, and the passing of Big Van Vader and all of his WWE cohorts. This all leads us to a discussion about Michael Keene and The Faceless. What does it mean to enable someone with a problem? How can you help an addict work their way to recovery? Also we talk shit on another metal blog and the goddamned Foo Fighters. Despite the heavy subjects this episode is surprisingly funny. But also srs. It’s a good one, folks.

Music featured on this episode:
Burnt By The Sun – Drinking And Driving from Black on Black: A Tribute to Black Flag

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