A Sponge In Need Is A Friend Indeed


For those of you who lift the TovH lid and waft your stink across other sectors of the internet, you’re probably familiar with Angry Metal Guy. I know the writers there aren’t supposed to have other blogs (under pain of being made to claim responsibility for the White Wizzard review), so I hope I don’t get Kenstrosity fired, but he needs our help. With the Good Sponge’s permission, I’ve set up a GoFundMe to help Ken get back on his feet after Hurricane Helene decimated his apartment in Asheville, NC. He has not much more than a cellphone and the clothes on his back, so these donations are crucial to helping him get back on his feet after this traumatic upheaval. Flush some cash his way. He is a model internet citizen, a very kind boi, and an excellent writer. Most obviously, though, he is a great friend who brings joy wherever he wanders. Let’s help give him back some of that.

GoFundMe is here!

The TovH fam sends our love.

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