Album Premiere: Hubris Cannon – Revised


Grindcore is Atlanta’s new Hip Hop.

Being an internet metal nerd is hard work. You’re out there every day, seeing people listen to bullshit like Screamo or Taylor Swift. This is despite your best efforts to berate them online into listening to the trvest kvlt shit ever to fart its way out of Norway; slowly the music of the fvlses are wearing you down. And in comes the final boss, Hubris Cannon. It’s grind but the songs are smarter than your typical 15-second-spasm grind track. Hubris Cannon freely jaunts over the blurred lines that separate metal from the fringes of hardcore. AND it’s unabashedly nerdy in that special way that can only happen when you combine obscure music genres and smelly-people tabletop games. This shit is pure nerd catnip.

As MTG fans should have already figure out, Revised is Hubris Cannon’s fourth major release. On each previous record, the band honed its musical ideas, and this is trend continues to deadly effect on Revised. The songs are tight and all the fat’s been trimmed so you’re just left with manic bangers from start to finish. The band is proudly fvlse and really wears its heart on its sleeve; the music doesn’t come off as just tough-guy posturing but is very real and honest. Add 11 awesome tracks to that and you’ll see this band isn’t just full of hubris, they’re fucking serious.

Peep the music video for their single “Strip” and start a pit wherever you are right now.

Hubris Cannon’s Revised is out now! Follow them on IG and Spoofy, and stream it on BC below. Buds in the Atlanta metro area should check out the album release show with Malevich this Sunday (the 23rd) at Innerspace.

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