Black Label Society – Bored To Tears: A Video Breakdown


Anything but boring.

Black Label Society have been consistently around for so long that they’ve just become an expected part of many mainstream metal tours and festivals. Appearing on 9 different versions of Ozzfest over a span of almost 20 years will do that. Sure, Zakk Wylde being Ozzy’s guitarist for years certainly has it’s benefits, but BLS’s sound has always appealed to the broader metal community. Songs about drinkin’, fightin’ and ridin’ for Dime. Oh, and having Mark ‘I could have prevented 9/11‘ Wahlberg in your video helps get some mainstream attention too. It’s that kind of straight-forward heavy metal sound that is the musical equivalent of a fastball straight down the middle of the plate.

Not to mix metaphors, but Black Label Society are like the yellow mustard of metal bands. You know exactly what you’re going to get. You may not always be in the mood for it, but sometimes you are and you’re glad that it’s almost always available to you wherever you go. Is that a bad thing? Not at all, especially when the band does something out of the ordinary, like in their latest music video. Let’s break it down!


Please tell me they drank Fizzy Lifting Drinks from the Wonka Factory.


A disturbingly accurate representation of Twitter.


At this point they need to change their name to Acid Tab Society.



Even Devin Townsend things they’re being too ridiculous.


The next time someone tells you “metal is supposed to be dangerous” I want you to send them this gif.














Every tech death band is crammed into the back of that truck.


Can it be considered ending on a “high note” when every single note has clearly been very high?


Black Label Society’s Sonic Brew 20th Anniversary Blend 5.99 – 5.19 is available on May 17th.


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