While You’re Waiting For A New Converge Album, Why Don’t You Curl Up And Die ...
I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. -
Review: Titaan’s Kadingir
“This is the testimony of all that I have seen, and all that I have learned, in those years that ... -
Metal Etiquette 101: The Jukebox
Metalheads are a unique bunch in that we take great pride in enjoying music that normal people consider abrasive. They may look down upon ... -
Absolute Contempt and Cloud Rat Want You to Support the Kittehs
Back in January, I reported that our friend Daniel Z’s grind label Absolute Contempt Records was hosting a fundraiser to help ... -
A Trip Through the Early Days of Piracy with a Mislabeled Metallica Cover
Hi, my name is W., and I’m a Metallicaholic. [“Hi, W.” you respond in unison]. They say you never forget ... -
My Psychedelic Journey at Choosing Death Fest
Okay, bear with me, because there’s a lot to process right now. Ready? Here goes. Choosing Death Fest is/was the ... -
Shirt Stains: Shirtcore
Building on last week’s metalcore-themed Shirt Stains, here is another celebration of the yells and the chugs. This Shirt Stains ... -
Review: The Great Cold
As most of you are aware by now, vocals don’t really hold much sway over my appreciation for music any ... -
Geryon Find the Wounds Among Their Bows
Edmund Wilson’s The Wound and the Bow takes its title from Sophocles’ telling of the Greek hero Philoctetes. As summarized ...