Tech-Death Thursday: Derelict
As I am aware that Kataplexis did a great shop of shredding your facial flesh earlier this week, I will ... -
Gazing Too Long Into The Abyss: Halfway to Madness
In the last segment, we looked at three ambient/noise artists who wielded their unique sound as a haunting, primal tool ... -
Don’t Miss This! Vol. 6
After MSD so graciously brought you a few albums he thinks you shouldn’t miss, he passed the responsibility on to ... -
Horror Movies and Heavy Metal: Hard Rock Zombies
Horror may be the only film genre where bad movies are just as beloved as the good ones. -
Death Metal and Bowling Shoes: Artificial Brain and Pyrrhon Played Memory Lanes In Minneapolis
Spoiler: Artificial Brain’s Labyrinth Constellation and Pyrrhon’s The Mother of Virtues are two of my favorite albums from this year. ... -
Soundtrack To Your Annihilation II
“A series that promises to get progressively darker and starts with None So Vile? Ballsy”. dr.derelict – sometimes Toilet Ov ... -
Stay Grind: Bump n’ Grind, Vol. III
After a long day of riding in your armored caravan, you stumble upon the ramshackle ruins of another razed city. ... -
Horror Movies and Heavy Metal: A Review of “Trick Or Treat”
High school is a hellish time for just about everyone. We’ve all had to deal with bad grades, homework, unrequited ...