Premiere: Void Rot – ‘Liminal Forms’
This’ll mark the only time hearing about death/doom from Minnesota in your 2020 newsfeed having actually been for a positive ... -
Album Review(?): Neptunian Maximalism’s Eons is an esoteric, expansive odyssey unlike any other
Over the past several years, I, Voidhanger has garnered the reputation as one of metal’s most experimental and eclectically-minded labels. ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (7/28/20)
It’s a Toilet Tuesday, friends. Get you some new tunes. We’ve got a couple banging death metal releases of very ... -
The Sojourn of the Weary Traveler: Eremit’s Desert of Ghouls
Following their 2019 sludge masterpiece, Eremit returns with a two-track teaser EP on the inimitable Transcending Obscurity Records. Let’s literally ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (7/21/20)
The only things certain in life are death, taxes, and about 500 metal bands putting out music that you’re never ... -
TMP: Expander, Fires in the Distance, Sarcoptes, and More!
This week’s music news is brought to you by a guy who ran out of time to be funny or ... -
Premiere: Hexencraft – “Nightflame Eternal”
Synthwave? In my metal? It’s more natural than you might think. -
This Toilet Tuesday (7/14/20)
It’s Toilet Tuesday, and what the fuck is even going on this week? Have you seen these releases? Where did ...