December Roundup: Hyperdontia, Unleashed, Sulphurous, Lord of Pagathorn & Necromonarchia Daemonum
From the black mouth of your sepulchre emanates the dry breath of the tomb and as I stand mesmerized by ... -
Flush it Friday: 5 Years Late Again
No, I’m not discussing the timeline of my contributions to TovH (that’s every 10 years), but rather, I’ve somehow gone ... -
November Roundup: Sorrow, Misery & Blasphemy
The latest from Déhà, Reaper, Ruin, Mentalist & Insomnium. -
Review: Massacre – Resurgence
Halloween is upon us, and death metal co-originators, Massacre, have arrived just in time with their new album, Resurgence. While ... -
October Roundup: Morbific, Thulcandra, Memoriam, Evil Might & Blood Red Throne
A lot of death metal for yous this time. -
Thoughts on Windfaerer’s Breaths of Elder Dawns
If I have not been able to see farther than others, it was because I stood on the ashes of ... -
If You Can Read This, Thank Eenzaamheid
They tried to take us out. Here we are. Still standing. Still flushing. -