Check Out This Drum Playthrough of The Odious Construct’s “Throne of Misanthropy”


Does the drummer sit on the throne of misanthropy?

It goes without saying that the performances are one of the most exciting aspects of tech death; it takes a lot of skill to pull off, and there’s nothing quite like watching a master at work. It’s why I love playthrough videos and drum playthroughs in particular. Besides being much more physically demanding than string instruments, there’s a lot of nuance in some of these performances that tends to get lost in the chaos. Having a visual to go along with the music makes it easier to pick out (and it’s a ton of fun to watch besides). Suffice to say I’m pretty excited about what we’ve got for you today; The Odious Construct puts out some fine-ass tech death, and watching KC Brand tear it up on the kit to their new single sweetens the pot even more.

“Throne of Misanthropy” is the first song from the band’s upcoming full-length, and it sounds like it’s going to be a step forward for them. They share a fair amount of musical similarity with labelmates Symbolik and Mordant Rapture in their synth-touched, vaguely neoclassical melodies, but this seems to be moving in a more sinister, evil-sounding direction, and I dig it. There’s a fair amount of groove in this one, too; an unexpected but welcome surprise. I’m very much looking forward to both hearing and seeing more of this.

“Throne of Misanthropy” is out now on The Artisan Era; check it out on Bandcamp for the non-instrumental version of the track. If you like what you hear, be sure to keep an eye on The Odious Construct’s Facebook page for more updates regarding that upcoming album.


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