Premiere: Extinction – Ravenous Technology (🔥Vektor Diss🔥)


Extinction, everyone’s favorite ecocide-focused slam band, just dropped some fresh heat for David DiSanto’s unemployable ass. BLAT BLAT BLAT.

Vektor provided one of the funniest metal moments of 2022 by getting signed and dropped by Century Media in the span of about 24 hours. Not to rest on his laurels, David DiSanto started 2023 by getting added to and then dropped from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise roster in about 12 hours. At the current rate, David DiSanto will be getting fired at a rate of once every 6 seconds.

To commemorate this historic accomplishment, Extinction dropped “Ravenous Technology.” This track finds the slammers in Extinction trying for something a little more in the vein of progressive thrash. Or at least what a brain destroyed by lead and slamming death metal thinks thrash sounds like.

Yes, this is stupid. BUT: it is also very funny. If you like Extinction, as I do, you can pick up a big ass patch for your jacket with all proceeds going to Chicanos por la Causa De Colores, a domestic violence shelter in Phoenix, AZ. Get a cool ass patch, support people in crisis, and laugh at the continued misfortune of David DiSanto. It’s a win/win/win. Check this mf out:

Magic: The Gathering card for scale

And because we can’t finish this post without slamming that siqqqqness, please enjoy Smouldering Enfoulment, Extinction’s 2020 full-length. All the samples make me feel real bad. But the slams? The slams make me feel real good.

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