Flush It Friday: I Wrote This on my Phone


It’s Friday and my fingers are way too big for the WordPress editor on my iPhone.

Hey gang. Hope you’ve had a decent week. Things have been wicked busy on my end but I hope shit will calm down soon. Here are some of the dope ass highlights from this week in Toilet history.

Black Metal Porkins unleashed the Rotting Christ story on you, the helpless masses, in a mega three part series.

The Porcelain Throne: Rotting Christ (The Early Days)

The Porcelain Throne: Rotting Christ (Century Media Era)

The Porcelain Throne: Rotting Christ (The Season of Mist Present)

We have completed 200 episodes of our quasi-metal related, morally objectionable podcast.

Toilet Radio 200th Episode Celebration Extravaganza!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps you’d like to explore a forgotten gem of left field death metal from 1995.

Groundbreakers: Molested – Blod-Draum

My stupid fingers keep slipping. I’m tapping out. Love you all, have a great weekend.


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