Flush it Friday: Neddles


By the time you all slap your rods and cones on these words, I’ll have been stuck so full of needles I’ll resemble an echidna. Yes, it’s the dreaded doctor’s visit, when they feast upon your blood and do all sorts of strange tests to determine if you’ve got the -itis. Personally, I’d prefer lockjaw over getting that tetanus javelin shoved under my epidermis. The only metal I want inside my body comes in the form of these siqq posts from your Toilet boiz this week. Behold…

Brandon Corsair roped in Pentacle for a dummy T H I C C interview:

Interview: Wannes Gubbels of Pentacle

THE Beat Cop spun us right the h*qq around with this vitriolic edition of Vinyl VVednesday:

Vinyl VVednesday: Vitriol – To Bathe From the Throat of Cowardice

Lord of Bork wrangled up the stragglers of yesteryear and played Cupid with our wishlists:

TovH’s Missed Connections 2019

Spear‘s here to show us that 2020 is already infected with tech:

Tech Death Thursday: Get Prep’d Q1 2020

I’m off to cower in fear until the inevitable hypodermic hysteria ensues. Form a shitpost Bandaid for my wounds. G/B/U is the preferred design.

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