Flush It Friday: Stop and Smell the Trees


Earlier this week I walked out the front door to hop into the Altima and leave for work, as I am wont to do in the mornings, when something bizarre happened: I stopped and stared, mesmerized by the incredibly large tree across the street. Between self-flagellating by watching clips of the RNC, reading tweets in which users declare Kyle Rittenhouse to be a national hero, hearing about the devastating hurricanes in the south, and catching up on the current Covid-19 death toll… I witnessed beauty for what might have been the first time after living across the street from this tree for seven years. Something so common, yet so majestic, had a real impact on my mood that morning. What could the mass of this behemoth of a tree be? How much oxygen does this plant help provide in our neighborhood? What’s its age, and how many different home owners have lived in the house on this property? Could there be any noice owl frends up there? That morning I didn’t listen to any political podcasts on the way to work, just blasted some gorgeous death metal with the windows down.

I’m skipping the Bad and the Ugly this week. We can get suffocated with Bad and Ugly if we allow ourselves to do so, and for me it takes a great deal of energy to keep them at bay.

Good: we possess the technology to keep “digital pen pals” with an amazing invention that allows instant communication across the entire planet. It’s great chit-chatting with people in other countries via Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Google Hangouts, Discord, and various other tools. Alas we mustn’t forget the corporate slogan of Uncle Ben’s Rice: with great power comes great responsibility. It’s a cliche, but one that holds true. It never ceases to amaze me that people would rather spend time bickering (/wanting to kill each other) over politics on Facebook and Twitter; when they could be watching history videos on YouTube,  studying past pandemics on Wikipedia, or seeing what their digital pen pals (and their cats) are up on on Instagram. Also a new Kairon; IRSE! album is coming in September on Svart Records. Join me on the hype train.

Please feel free to share your own Good, Bad, and Ugly. Or we could try something new and skip the Bad and Ugly this week? It’s up to all y’all!



We lost a champion ov metal 🙁

The Executioner, The Beginning and the End

A roundup of Post albums (Joaquin once again bringing the funniest rating systems on the Internet):

Post Posting: Spook the Horses, Zyclops, Cavern

Rolderathis couldn’t pass on a Cormorant-esque premiere:

Album Premiere: SVNTH – Spring In Blue

I’m a simple man, I see Fred Durst and I click:

Toilet Radio 261 – Seeing the Past Through Hot Dog Flavored Glasses

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