Listmania 2015: Recap and Playlist


The Best of 2015 lists had a lot of overlap this year. Obviously, we all picked the five albums that were nominated for “Best Metal Performance” for the Grammys this year, because the top critics are always right about everything, and then five other albums that don’t matter.

But seriously, the number of albums that we thought were the best this year is pretty insane. Spotify never ceased to amaze me; every time I started typing in something like Obsequiae, I was convinced the search would come back with “Did you mean: Toby Keith”, but lo and behold, it was able to capture an impressive 160 hours and 30 minutes (1,968 songs [but ~100 of them are Hot Dad]) of our lists! Of course it didn’t have everything. A few Toilet favorites, including Mgła and Steven Wilson, are sadly missing.

No sane person is going to listen to music nonstop for a week to get through this massive list, but it is an excellent tool for skipping around and discovering some great stuff along the way, so make sure to press shuffle! I have only been listening for a little over an hour and have discovered a few excellent suggestions including The Man-Eating TreeT-SquareSoilwork, Judicator, A Sound of Thunder, and of course, Carly Rae Jepsen <3.

A few ways to get to the playlist:

  • Search for our account “Terlet O’Heck” or the playlist “Toilet of Hell Best of 2015”
  • Click Here to open it up in your browser
  • Click Here to open it up in a Spotify App (Might not work on mobile)
  • Or the worst way, because the functionality and song count is limited, this embed:

P.S. I definitely did not sneak in two of my favorites of the year because I didn’t publish a list. Eidola and The Dear Hunter were listed by other people, go back and check. Also, I will try my best to remember to add Baroness on Friday.

Let me know if I missed any that should be there, and happy listening!

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