
Years ago, industry experts predicted the doom of physical media. Those experts were dildos. Sure, sales of physical albums are nowhere near their gold-plated cocaine heyday, but a dedicated army of metalheads still purchase all the vinyl and CDs they can afford. When those metalheads buy albums online they all look forward to the day their champion arrives, haul in hand. We all patiently wait for one hero: Mailmanbro. Mailmanbro brings presents for all the good little boys and girls. Here’s some of the most recent hauls he brought you.

Technically, Mailmanbro didn’t bring me these things. Instead, I visited his cousin, Usedrecordstorebro.

Joe Haul

David from Hadean got some sweet rekkids, including two from Deathspell Omega

David Hadean Haul

Pagliacci got some sweet tuneage from the Best Unsigned Band in Iowa, Blizzard at Sea.

Pagliacci Haul

Iron Lawnmower got this stone-cold classic debut from Sodom.

Iron Lawnmower Haul

Doctor Kolkey with a perfect haul! Cult of Luna, Chthe’ilist Horrendous, King Diamond, and…. uh… wait a minute. One of these things is not like the others. One of these things is anime trash.

Kolkey Haul

Ann Kvlter coming in strong with a deluxe edition of the latest Aborted album, Retrogore. That poster looks siqqq.

Ann Kvlter Haul

The Lizard finally got his claws on his long awaited Besieged tape, something else with Hubert’s evil cousin on the front and a killer Zhrine shirt.


Jom Pootersan got the latest Destroyer 666 album and a tasty one from Toilet favorites Fin.

Jom Pootersan Haul

Sweettooth0 is feeling especially monochromatic lately

Sweettooth0 is feeling especially monochromatic lately

I’m fairly certain Richter didn’t understand the task at hand, so he just took a picture of some 8-track tapes.

Richter Haul

The Masterlord is saying, “Get back, motherfucker!” cuz you don’t know him like that.


Finally, Coal Roll went absolutely apeshit buying music. His latest haul featured my favorite Morbid Angel album AND the latest from the Lizard’s beloved Zhrine.

Coal Roll Haul 4 Coal Roll Haul 2 Coal Roll Haul 1 Coal Roll Haul 5

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