Nemesea – Hear Me: A Video Breakdown


If you really want to party with me/Nemesea what you got for me/Put all your hands where my eyes can see

Nemesea are a Dutch band that I constantly confuse with Neaera, Nemhain, and even Nodes of Ranvier. Maybe my brain has a weird thing with bands that start with the letter ‘N’. Nemesea have been kicking around since 2002, but their longtime vocalist Manda Ophuis left in 2016. She was replaced this year by Sanne Mileo. The band wisely (I think) recorded a song from their most recent album with Sanne doing vocals. Killswitch Engage did the same thing when Howard Jones joined with their video for their song “Fixation On The Darkness”. It let’s fans know what the band sounds and looks like now with material they are already familiar with and serves as a jumping-off point for new fans. Wait, they already did that? Hell. Whatever. Let’s say hello to the new Nemesea.

0:08: Made with the finest free video editing software Google could find.
0:14: Oh, sweet tap-dancing Devin Townsend.
0:19: I need an adult!
0:23: Maybe dressing up like a geisha is not the best first impression.
0:29: That’s much better, but now I kind of want to shop at Target.
0:35: Which is interesting, because a place like Target would probably never sell a Nemesea album.
0:40: Nice try. Online doesn’t count.
0:47: I’m getting a heavy “Queen’s Decree” from The Dread Crew of Oddwood vibe.
0:56: Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?
1:01: Did someone in the band have a racist nightmare and wanted to get it on film to exorcise their demons?
1:10: “Someone tangled up their knitting quite a bit.” – Ms. 365 Days Of Horror
1:18: Interesting that none of the other band members are in this.
1:27: Maybe this is some sort of hazing ritual with the band for all new members.
1:36: This is the Spider-Man fetish porn parody you never knew you needed.
1:44: Anybody else want some strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups right about now?
1:51: D.A.R.E. to keep kids off Nemesea.
1:58: Some serious Stranger Danger going on here.
2:04: Yeah, sure. Let’s add bowing just in case the audience was unsure about the racism.
2:11: At this point, they might as well be throwing fortune cookies at us.
2:18: This feels like one of those bad horror Unity-flips you find on Steam.
2:24: If she digitally hurls, all is forgiven.
2:36: This is where 90’s screen savers go to die.
2:43: If music videos smelled, this one would be assaulting all the senses.
2:52: No need for modesty at this point.
3:00: At least it was short, right?

Nemesea’s album Uprise is available now via Napalm Records.

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