New Music Roundup: Tsjuder, Kauan, Gorod And More!


Another week, another batch of new music. Don’t you ever get tired? No? Well allright then, come on in.

This past week has been good on the black and death metal front for the Toilet. Edward returned to review Pissgrave’s debut full-length and Mgła debuted the first track from their upcoming third full-length Exercise in Futility.  And as if that hadn’t been enough we also learnt what Ævangelist’s third full-length might have sounded in the form of Fæthm ExcursusTyree arrived to bring Pure Fucking Armageddon upon us once more. And now, hopefully not too late, we bring you news of Tsjuder’s fifth full-length. It’s a long way they went from a practically-faceless-second-wave-clone-boredom of Div Gammelt Stasj to the exact same sound but so much more refined that it worked in Desert Northern Hell. And then they were gone. Never to return. Except that they did return in 2010 and unleashed Legion Helvete for all their fans to enjoy. Now the time to continue this conquest is finally arriving in the form of Antiliv. Expect nothing new, only the same sandblasting black metal Tsjuder have always reveled in.

See here if the link below shows you nothing, or here.

The cover art has been designed by Vincent Fouquet (of Above Chaos) and the album is up for pre-orders now. It will release on the morn of the 18th dawn of September.

Kauan is a band trying to elude categorization. Starting with very atmospheric and folk-influenced doom, they slowly moved towards a more post-rock influenced sound culminating on Pirut. The 20th day of October has been chosen to unveil their seventh album, Sorni Nai. Whether the re-recordings of their older material found on Muistumia have affected their style remains to be seen, but they have promised reference and expand upon the territory they have explored previously. The 52-minute song, yes – one song, consisting of 7 tracked movements – will feature everything from lush string orchestrations to operatic doom metal. Pre-orders will be up on August 5th. The infamous Djatlov Pass incident serves as the concept to the chapters, titled in Mansi but sung in Finnish.

You can marvel at Sonia Melnik’s cover art here and stream the first chapter of Sorni Nai below. It’s clearly the first chapter as the first five minutes have no guitars, and as atmospheric as the song is, it leaves no doubt it’s only an intro to the 52-minute opus. Despite its seven minute length, it’s over before it even properly began. Nevertheless, I like it.

Keep updated on Blood Music’s FB page.

You can also listen to Kuu…here, Pirut here and Aava Tuulen Maa here.

Lumikuuro and Tietäjän Laulu are available for your listening pleasure as well, as is Muistumia


  • Destroyer 666 has woken from its slumber. Six years have passed since Defiance was released, so it’s about time. The band has now entered studio, but no other news has yet reached my ears. The album will serve as studio debut for drummer Perra (In Aeternum, Nominon) and guitarist Ro (Grave Miasma, Cruciamentum) and bassist Felipe. This is not the first time D.666 took its time releasing an album; between Defiance and its closest predecessor the Terror Abraxas EP, six years elapsed, and the band has only released four full-lengths (in addition to 3 EPs) in their 21-year career.
  • The US black metal band Ritual Killer streams a new song from their upcoming full-length Exterminance, to be released on September 18th.
  • Gorod premiered a new song at Deezer. A questionable decision according to some as the song is unavailable through the service in countries such as USA, but I say it doesn’t matter. It is known that I am not a fan of most tech-death bands and that Gorod doesn’t count among the few I enjoy, but they have their moments. Celestial Nature – the new song – is not one of them. Sure, the skill is there but there’s hardly anything interesting or captivating going on. And the vocals, perhaps due to production differences, are worse then ever before; bordering on bad. Which makes the playthrough video below the best way to listen to it. Anyway, A Maze of Recycled Creeds comes out on Oct 18th.


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