Photo Chop: 8th Edition

Here we are again on another glorious weekend edition of Photo Chop, where we congratulate Ted Nü-Djent on his subversive and unexpected use of, uh… some random guy’s face in his winning 7th Edition entry!
I have no idea who that guy is, but I bet he could run the hell out ov a website. Also you are awarded 10 points for the Electric Boogaloo reference.
And now, because it’s the weekend and you’re either hungover from drinking or working or drinking at work, and because it’s Sunday and you’ve no doubt got the whole fucking day blocked off to devote to this, let’s get straight to teh choppin’z.
The rules:
- Keep it safe for work
- Be creative & use whatever tools you want; “talent” or “skill” is not required
- Post your entry in a new Disqus comment below
- Entries will be judged on the number of upvotes they receive
- The winner will be announced in the following week’s edition and might win… something!
Here’s this week’s image ov glory.
Stab to embiggen (via)