Premiere: Aeonoesis – “Time, The Eraser of All”


Time comes for us all.

Dissonant death metal is a tough nut to crack for those not immediately drawn to the style, but as with pretty much everything in metal, you might just need the right act to get you a taste for it. A gateway drug, if you will. Whether you are currently just disso-curious or are already fully marinated in the style, we’ve got just the thing for you today. Enter Aeonoesis, a new act featuring members of Through the Eyes of the Dead and Tech Death Thursday alumni Aronious and Aethereus, bringing us “Time, The Eraser of All.”

Where much of the genre is content to lurk in a haze of caustic atmospheric chords a la Ulcerate or pummel the listener with a landslide of abrasive riffs in the vein of Sunless, Aeonoesis takes a slower approach to ease you into the nasty shit (at least on this song). “Time, The Eraser of All” builds up slowly and methodically, using a clearly defined melody to set the mood and spicing it up with a dash of clashing notes and ever so slightly uncomfortable bends. When the full band comes in, it’s still not all disso all the time; the song structure is very easy to follow, and the melody continues to curl and wind its way through the song’s run. It takes an interesting majestic turn at times, almost like if Sutrah decided to get harsher. All told, it’s a perfect way to dip your toes into dissonant death metal if you’re new to it, and it has plenty to offer established fans as well.

Pontificating aside, I’m very excited to bring you this. The band members are well-versed in their art, and this feels like the birth of a new favorite for me. Check it out below.

Keep an eye on Aeonoesis’s Bandcamp and Facebook pages for more updates. This is just the first to come.

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