
Premiere: Black Fast – Silhouette Usurper


I’ve been following St. Louis thrashers Black Fast for over six years now, having seen them live more times than I can count and gobbling up every release since the first EP. And so it is with utmost pleasure that I present to you the newest single from their upcoming LP Spectre of Ruin, titled “Silhouette Usurper”.

You enjoy the works of Vektor, Megadeth, and Death, right? Sure you do: you’re on a metal blog after all, and those three bands are about as good as death/thrash hybrids can get. If you’re anything like me, you get a little uncomfortable when a band that typically plays fast, starts to slow down. Well Black Fast hasn’t slowed down a bit with their third album, due out next month. Spectre of Ruin consists of nine songs that will each produce neck aches from all the headbanging they induce. Expect non-stop double bass drumming, fierce riffing, groovy basslines, and vocal performances that will have you scratching your head asking, “how does Aaron still have a voice?” I’m going to shut up and let you hear for yourself:

3:43 of shredtastic shreddery and a wicked combination of speed and melody. See, I wouldn’t lead you astray!

What else to expect on the new record? An endless supply of catchy riffs like the ones heard above. The best guitar solos I have heard from the band yet (and plenty of them!). A foot firmly placed on the accelerator for the duration of the entire thing, it only lets up for moments between songs. No intro track, no outro, no segues…no ballads. The fellas in Black Fast know that you want to get the most heavy metal bang-for-your- buck when banging your goddamned head. That means also see them live, it’s a requirement if they are ever playing in your town. They put on a top-tier performance in the live setting.

They posted this single a while back, with a rad music video too. Here it is:

They’re also some of the raddest dudes one can meet. Say “hi” to them if you ever talk to them before or after a show. Mr. Bacon has also met them.

Spectre of Ruin comes out on July 13th via Entertainment One Records. It’s fantastic! Hopefully the album will make it to BandCamp. If not, we’ll try to talk them into it.

Oh, and I didn’t do the full album artwork justice by cropping part of it out. Look at the full album artwork here because it’s rill gud.

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