Premiere: Black Hole Deity – “Razed Earth Edict”


Exploding planets? Bombarding elder gods with relativistic weapons? Sounds like my jam.

Death metal and horrific extraterrestrial undead entities: name a more iconic duo. When said haunted deep-space death metal is crafted by past and present members of MalignancyCalcemia, and Chaos Inception, you know it’s going to be good, too. Black Hole Deity is a new project from members of the aforementioned bands, and today, they present us with the opening track of their upcoming EP, Lair of Xenolich. “Razed Earth Edict” is a wild trip through the warp, so strap yourselves in and smash that mf play button:

Fans of Chaos Inception will likely notice a lot of sonic similarity in “Razed Earth Edict,” calling on that speed and scale that defined the band’s faster pieces. For its part, this song is actually fairly melodic for how ridiculously heavy it is; its vicious, pummeling attack is tempered by a surprising sense of lyricism that echoes some of my favorite aspects of Mithras. Alec Cordero puts on a display of some truly wild lead guitar work that rounds out this mighty package.

Lair of Xenolich releases on February 5th via Everlasting Spew (may they hork eternally). Snag yourself a preorder through Bandcamp or the label store, and go give Black Hole Deity a like on Facebook if you’re into that sort of thing.

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