Premiere: Construct Of Lethe Bring Riffs So Thicc They’ll Clot Yer Dick


Get your the first taste of this upcoming death metal monster right here, right now.

Normally we’d kick this off with a bit of a biography of the band, but the intro to this Construct Of Lethe track is so damn huge there’s deadset no room for text here. Hit play, turn it up, then take cover.

Big fucking mood, right? The closest thing I’ve heard in terms of hitting that tone and sheer malevolence (minus the cheese) right off the bat is Dead Congregation. The Clot nails that dark and dirty death-vibe without relying on retreating to some subterranean-level of obscurity to achieve. Every palm-muted punch, every hellish harmonisation, all audible and all on-point, aimed right at your throat.

After the immensity of the intro, the band shift gears from the predominantly low-string attack into a tumultuous mixture of legato-laden licks layered with octave shifts, and later, some baneful note choices bastardised from black metal’s best. The passage culminates with some warped soloing courtesy of recent band addition Pat Bonvin (Near Death Condition). Also, it bears mentioning that even though last time we checked in with Construct Of Lethe their drums were being handled by Kevin ‘Percussion Patton‘ Talley, this time the band were joined by Kevin Paradis (Benighted | ex-Svart Crown), who puts on a huge display behind the kit.

If you’re a fan of Immolation, Cruciamentum, or even Altars, you’ve already decided to pick this up. For those who’re a little slow on the uptake, listen to it again, realise you’re very very stupid, and then click the links below.

Pre-order your copy of Exiler from Everlasting Spew Records directly, or digitally from their Bandcamp page ready for its June 20th release date.

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