Premiere: Echolot Psychs You Out on “IV”


Let’s face it, you’re wasting your time here instead of doing something more important, so you surely have time to check out this marathon of a track from Echolot, a rad psychedelic doom trio from Switzerland.

The first half of the track will lower your blood pressure with its slow and spacey Pink Floydian riffs; however, mixed into that well-trodden tone is a sense of foreboding doom. It’s a little slow going, but there’s not a moment of repetition. The guitar and drums are always lurking to throw in a little unexpected speed into the melody.

At almost the exact halfway point is where they kick the song into something the doom addicts will enjoy. The riffs hang around a little longer, the tone is a little crunchier, but the psych ebb and flow remains. The grooves are strong enough to hold the song up as instrumental only, but the introduction of serene vocals takes it to a new level. It’s a selling point for sure. Helping the moment really explode, the raw soaring guitar lays down some Elder-caliber riffs in those last minutes. It’s a great album closer.

Volva is out October 6 via Czar of Crickets. Pre-order that sucker here. Check ‘em out on Facebook as well.

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