
Premiere: “Purge” Your Monday Blues with Dischordia


Longtime readers are well of aware of how much rectum our resident dead composer Stockhausen’s band Dischordia destroys. What you may not know, however, is that the trio’s steadily evolving sound has reached an incredible death metal culmination in an upcoming EP set to drop next month. Stockhausen and the gang have finally perfected that progressive, Earth-shattering sound they’ve always threatened to harness, and it’s only a few weeks before you get to hear their masterwork, Binge/Purge in its entirety. For now, you’ll have to settle for a deeply satisfying extract from “Purge.” Get in here to see the top of the mountain.

Of the two extended-length tracks on Binge/Purge, “Purge” is definitely the heftier, more menacing side. As Stockhausen put it, “It’s the slower, more sludge-influence track in contrast to the fast and furious mood of ‘Binge’.” That sludge-influence mostly manifests in the girthy groove around which the track is built; as you’ll hear in the extract below, “Purge” is built around a hulking, low-end bruiser of a riff that slowly crawls up the mountain in the excellent cover art, dislodging little rains of percussion with its slightly dissonant low-string accents and mechanical drum performance and setting off bass quakes all the way. Even as the riff morphs and mutates slightly on its ascent, that central, down-tuned groove persists, compelling you to bang your head in assent even as it slams you against the earth again and again.

“It’s supposed to feel Very Mad.”

That raw anger isn’t just translated through the music, however; the lyrics loosely follow Dante’s Purgatorio, but without the final act of Paradiso to offer resolution. When that groove finally drags you to the top of the mountain, you’re merely left observing desolation and ruin around you. Dischordia offers no hope or promise of resolution, merely one hell of a headbanger as the world crumbles.

Thankfully, Dischordia’s progressive tendencies are still present even amid such raw emotion. “Purge” features more excellent flute work, and Stocky’s vocals on this track are easily the best I’ve yet heard from him. Fans of asynchronous death metal from the likes of Baring Teeth or Rivers of Nihil shan’t be disappointed.

It’s been great to see Dischordia’s evolution over the years, and I can’t wait for you to hear the rest of Binge/Purge. The whole EP drops June 15th. Pre-order it on Bandcamp and keep up with the boys on Facebook.

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