
PREMIERE: Resonance Cascade – “Death Approaching”


Are you hard of hearing? No? Let’s fix that, then. Today, it is our distinct pleasure to jab some nasty Swedish grindcore straight into your eardrums! Let’s pulverize those cochleas with “Death Approaching,” one of the nastiest tracks from Resonance Cascade‘s forthcoming, crustacular split with Järnbörd.


“What’s with the sudden ear fetish, Joe?” Well, citizen, let me tell you. The Swedish word for hypersensitivity to everyday sounds is Hyperakusi, and shit dang has this new track given me a case of it. Resonance Cascade’s buzzing, angery grind is deeply rooted in the Swedish tradition but draws from the illustrious schools of Euro-grind. Think Dismember meets Rotten Sound with about a metric butt-ton of filth slathered on top for good measure.

“Death Approaching,” the seventh track from Hyperakusi, opens with a dick-swinging whirlwind of percussion and HM-2 distortion sure to induce a nasty-ass case of vertigo in the weak-willed. After that, rollicking gang vocals juxtapose against clanging d-beats in a maelstrom of grind fury sure to make all listeners break into an unrelenting hate mosh in their cubicles. When that guitar attack from Dan Widing kicks in, no printer will be left intact.

Resonance Cascade may be relatively new to the grind scene (having formed in 2012), but they play with the kind of fury and posture of seasoned pros, likely due to Johansson’s (bass), Borg’s (drums), Widing’s (guitar), and Bergström’s (vocals) long history in Sweden’s extreme metal scene. Their half of the split is a deafening hurricane of grind and death metal that you certainly won’t want to miss.

Their split partners Järnbörd aren’t slouches either, approaching their half with the sort of raw vitriol only heard in the most pissiest’n’vinegarist crust around. Together, these bands make for one hell of a party. I think I need hearing aids.

Hyperalusi is out February 24th from WOOAAARGH/Downfall Records. Pre-order it here.

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