Pure Fucking Armageddon Part 3


Your least favorite TOH article is back and it has not gotten any less evil or filthy.

Here is some bullshit before we get into the metal insanity. The past couple of weeks now I’ve been trying to live a little healthier which means running 5 days a week, eating better, and drinking less booze. It’s been a bit of a struggle, but I’m really enjoying not waking up feeling like complete shit and having to deal with a hangover for a better part of the day. Now I find waking up early a luxury; I can now make a good breakfast, get work done, and listen to metal in the morning at my own leisure for hours before going into work at 9:00. This lifestyle has something to do with me writing these articles again as well. I’m just glad it has not destroyed my taste in filthy and deranged blackened metal madness. Keep it Satan always!


ThromosTranslunare Transzendenz (2015)
Self Mutilation Services

Hailing from Germany, this two piece deliver us their sixth full-length album in 7 years. Thromos don’t fuck around when it comes to writing new quality material. This is raw black metal with a whole lot of melancholy. A lot of this melancholy comes from the brilliant riffs that just take you on a 1 hour journey into complete despair. This is a great black metal album to just close your eyes to and kind of get lost in a depressing trance and ride the dismal riffs into a freezing abyss. Production is fitting, allowing the raw and gritty feel, but also allowing for instrument clarity. Everything is prominent; even the bass guitar can be heard. Lyrics are all in German, so you can’t understand the grief that is being spewed out, but we get an idea. For an album that is over an hour long, it really flies by in a hurry because like I said, you just get lost in it and before you know it, it’s dead silent and the thought of suicide hits you. This is an album that you definitely need to listen to with out any interruptions, so grab a beer, lock yourself in a dark room, and sit back and slowly descend into utter anguish that you can’t help but accept.


AltarageDemo (2015)

Altarage from Spain pretty much came out of fucking nowhere and dropped this massively crushing demo on our laps, crushing all dicks into pulp with its shear heaviness. Altarage play a blackened style of death metal with elements of grindcore and war metal. This demo reminds me of a much more polished Pissgrave; the songs are filthy, crushing, evil, and menacing as all fuck. Guitars are down tuned, playing mostly tremolo style while drums are a fury of blastbeats and double kick. Vocals may take a while for some to get used to, but I immediately found a filthy love for the disgustingness. There are only two songs on this demo, but they get the point out there. This point being that Altarage give no fucks and all they want to do is decimate all with their crushing brand of ferocious sounding death metal. Be prepared for complete dick crushing.


NachashConjuring The Red Death Eclipse (2015)
Barbarian Wrath

Here is another band that came out of nowhere and released their first ever album this year. There really is no information at all that I can find about this band online. The only information I could dig up was that Nachash hail out of Oslo, Norway and feature 3 members, one of whom has played drums in Celestial Bloodshed, which features two members from black metal powerhouse One Tail, One Head; I recommend checking both of these bands out. Conjuring The Red Death Eclipse is a mid-paced album with some groovier sections. This EP is pretty much completely deprived of blast beats of any kind. Production is very much grandiose and compliments the very triumphant songs on the EP extremely well. This release can hardly be called an EP; I honestly think it passes for a full-length album from its 30 minute running time. This is a monstrous debut album, and it’s hard to believe that Nachash will ever be able to top this. Nachash have written an album that is hard to describe in such few words because of how good it is. Certainly don’t miss out on this instant Norwegian classic.


PhrenelithDemo (2015)
Extremely Rotten Records

Do you like your death metal filthy, deranged, sludgy, and down tuned? Well I have just the band for you. Phrenelith, featuring filth freak David Torturdød from such bands as Undergang, Wormridden, and Trepanation (Live) brings us the nasty grime. David Torturdød is no stranger to the filthy ways; christ, he just put out the new Undergang album Døden læger alle sår this July, which is pure swamp infested death metal madness. Phrenelith take things to a much more extreme level on their first demo by providing a much dirtier and deeper guitar tone and just an overall grittier product. This is a mid tempo death metal extravaganza that just is mean and nasty. Be ready to submerge slowly into the corpse infested swamps of Denmark. Showers may be necessary after listening.


Mion’s HillTorture (2015)
Dying Victims Productions

Sabbat anyone? Mion’s Hill got their name from the Sabbat song “Mion’s Hill”, so you may get an early clue to what this band is aiming to sound like. Mion’s Hill, featuring two members from the Repulsionworshiping project Gouge, bring us another old school-worshipping product. Torture consists of four new songs and four older songs from their 2012 demo Festering Curses. The first four newer tracks are much cleaner than the demo songs but that doesn’t mean the songs are any less good. Torture provides us with some quality blackened thrash with some doomy sections that give the band its unique sound. This is some serious old school worship that goes fucking hard. Nothing here is groundbreaking by any means, but if you want some quality old school metal madness to bang your head to, then look no further. Oldschool metal or die!!!!

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