Remain on the Pipeline with Goreshack’s Surf-infused Deathgrind


In light of Joey’s plug for the excellent speed surf collab between Davie Allan & Joel Grind, I decided to write about this relatively unknown gem I found back in 2013. For fans of death metal, grindcore, surf and Troma films, I present Goreshack‘s Surf.Mosh.Kill.

Just a quick glance at the band’s bandcamp page and you realize this is an album that pays homage to a lot of classics, while having its own unique twist. Gory and cartoonish artwork? Check. Silly samples? Check. Classy song titles such as “Big Tits & Zombie Flicks” or “The Curse of Brosferatu”? Check. The twist in question is the surf, bro. Like, lots of it. From the theme to the guitar work, the surf is just everywhere.

A good thing, obviously, as it brings along with the sea breeze a sense of fun to the death and grind assault. The death side is primarily groovy and riff-based, while the grind part boasts a punk energy akin to the genre’s beginnings. This LP won’t change your life but it is still a joy to listen to. I find myself coming back to it a lot more than I anticipated.

If you like what you hear, be sure to check Goreshack’s previous release on Bandcamp and give them a like on Facebook. The band is releasing an EP soon, and are (maybe) still in need of someone to do their artwork.

With a few tweaks to production and growth in songwriting, great things can be done fusing deathgrind and surf rock. I look forward to their upcoming release. After pressing play, you will too.


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