Riff ov the Week: 10-10-15


portrait of an attractive male guitarist making a rock sign and holding the guitar on his shoulder

It’s time again to worship the riff.

Last week, Lacertilian submitted some Revocation song and snagged the win with a confident reptilian hand. Well done, sir.



Since he won, we’re going to use his idea for next weeks theme. Hold on to your hats, this might be a tough one.

Next week:

  • We will only be accepting entries from OSTs (that’s original soundtrack, nerds). The stipulation is that the riff must have been written for the movie (or video game, I guess) and does not appear on any of the band’s studio albums.
  • Send your OST riffs to toiletovhellriff@gmail.com. Include your name, a link to the riff, the time of the riff, and an explanation.
  • If you have an idea for a theme, let me know.



I can’t stop listening to this album. Help me. 2:22.



Do you consider yourself a people-human with a face? If you answered yes to this question, you might consider yourself a liar after the riff at 0:33.


Ted Nü-Djent

Luminiferous is my grower of the year. Everytime I hear it I love it more and more. The riff that closes out the last track being a major reason why. Starts at 5:45.


Boss the Ross

If you haven’t picked up Clutch‘s new album, Psychic Warfare, you are missing out. The boys from Maryland are back again with a vengeance. While the whole album is packed full of killer riffs, my pick for this week is from the exquisitely titled, A Quick Death in Texas. The main riff is country fried funk a la ZZ Top, but my pick comes in at the 2:22 mark. The groove heavy octaved riff just makes you want to move. Add in a couple of “Hey Hey”s and it is pure bliss.



These doods know how to strum a geetar. My forearm aches just listening to this record. Riff starts at 8:41 but stick around to listen to the Russian femme fatale who has one of the sexiest voices since Barbara Bach’s Anya Amasova.



Listen to the riff at about 1:11. Fucking listen to it! That shit is hatred and rage and disgust in sound form. Imagine an inhuman monster—a monstrosity conceived when a member of Satan’s boner-demon rape squad and a female jabberwock hate fucked each other in the boiling-blood river of hell’s seventh circle. Imagine this beast running around the city, using a variety of jagged, oozing, bladelike appendages to butcher every person it comes across. This fucking riff is playing on loop in that monster’s head.



This killer new track from Invocation Spells piqued my interest due to the combination of the guitar tone and riffing style. Although the track starts out in a kind of simplistic no-fucks-given manner, things pick up around 1:25 and then some raw old-school thrashy filth breaks out for the duration of the track. Just based upon this track alone, I will be buying this album when it drops in December.



This bloodthirsty tremolo riff with a tasty little pinch harmonic at the end of each phrase is essentially perfect. 0:50

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