Ryan Bartek of Vulture Locust to Release New Autobiographical Novel


A few months back I wrote about counter-cultural activists Vulture Locust, one of the most genuine, incendiary, and downright savage grindcore bands I’ve covered on this blog. As it turns out, front man/guitarist Ryan Bartek spits napalm in more than one fashion, and you can enter his scarred mind with a 50-page free preview of his new novel, Anticlimax Leviathan.

On Saturday, Vulture Locust posted to their Facebook page that Bartek would be following up his two previous subversive novels The Big Shiny Prison and Fortress Europe with a more vulnerable and intimate look into his own life, told by a man who’s walked many miles as activist, musician, and journalist. You can see the full post below.


If you’re curious, you can read up to 50 pages for free here. Regardless of how you feel about political extremism or anarchy as ideologies, it’s pretty interesting to take a look into the mind of a man who walks the walk. Comparisons can be drawn to the Beat authors, but Bartek has a world-weary voice all his own that paints vivid pictures of the unique spiritual squalor found uniquely in decaying urban environs. If you missed Vulture Locust on the last go-round, I’ve embedded Command Presence again for your listening pleasure. You can and should pick it up here.

(Photos VIA)
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