STREAM: Cannibal Accident – “Total End”


Grind your filthy fingers to dust with Cannibal Accident.

What do you do after you release the best album of your career? If you’re Cannibal Accident, you follow up this year’s Ritual Paprika with a compilation jam-packed with all of your previous material. Encyclopaedia Cannibalicium: Minimal Result with Maximal Efforts is 51 tracks of sewage grind that spans the band’s entire discography in one CD. Get all the greatest hits, from “Toilet it Be” to “Hippophobia” and even “Chili Con Carnage” in one convenient package. To whet your appetite, check out “Total End”. It’s as gross, raw, and groovy and you’ve come to expect from these Finns.

E.C.M.R.W.E. is out July 29th to coincide with their Grindfucking Ritual Tour. European flushers can catch the band on tour at a venue near you. Preorder the album here, like Cannibal Accident on Facebook and check the dates below:

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