First Listen: Hollow Leg – “Coils”


FFO: High on Fire, Crowbar, dank nugs.

If you listen to enough metal you can pretty well predict how a song will progress based on the first two bars of the intro riff. Most of the time your prediction will be dead-on. Click play on “Coils”, the second track from Crown, below and you will almost certainly know how the whole song goes immediately. There’s nothing on this track that you, internet metal nerd, have not heard before. Here’s the thing: it’s still pretty great.

Hollow Leg is a groovy stoner band from Jacksonville, Florida. Crown, their third full-length, is finally getting a U.S. release next month. If you’re not afraid of treading familiar ground in search of smooth, enjoyable riffs, “Coils” just might be the jam for you.

Crown gets a United States release on June 24th. Pick it up here and like Hollow Leg on Facebook.

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