Swellin’ to the Jammiez: Run with Death


In a previous installment of the Toilet’s fitness column, our good friend Joe Thrashnkill laid out the fundaments of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – an aerobic training method that entails several short rounds in which you alternate charging forward like an insane berserker with some grandma style walking. Now, it’s my turn to try and get you from The Blob physique into looking like Kratos.

If this seems pointless to you, note that current scientific studies show that this method of aerobic training is more effective than regular cardio in improving cardiovascular performance and burning away all the bacon sundaes you’ve been eating. It also gets your metabolism turnt up and increases testosterone production for greater periods of time.

Long story short, if you want to look like you belong in a Manowar cover, HIIT is the perfect complement to a solid weight-lifting program good brand of baby oil.


The regimen I’ve used in the past month consists of:
  1. Warm-up
  2. Two sets of 1 minute sprints and 1 minute walks
  3. A big, exhausting 2 minutes sprint, followed by a longer rest
  4. Another two sets of 1 minute sprint/1 minute walk

I honestly believe this would be an impossible feat without motivational music – songs capable of awakening your inner caveman from its modern slumber. Also, this post wouldn’t make any sense if I didn’t bring the Jammiez with me.

With iTunes, I tailored the specific parts of songs that I want to hear and sorted them in a playlist. Then, I exported these shrunken songs, merged them all into a single mp3 file and uploaded it to youtube just so I could show it to y’all.



I hope this post gets you inspired to take your cardio to the next level and also to make your own playlists. What songs get your blood pumping? What songs motivate you to push harder?

Sound off, my friends.

(Photo VIA)
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