TMP-Extra: Warrel Dane, Candlemass, I. Ron Reagan & More!
This is what happens when you’re a lazy bum who keeps four day weekends. the news pile up so bad ... -
TMP: Hoth, Revocation, Bleeding Through, and More!
Figuratively everyone announced they are making new music soon this week. See if your favorite bands made the list. -
TMP: Slaves BC, Wayfarer, Barren Earth, and More!
Curling season is back! I forgot to pay attention to hockey this year, and basketball is a terrible sport, so ... -
TMP: Conan, Darkthrone, Iced Earth, Napalm Death, Necrophobic & More!
There’s an exhausting amount of news to be had this week, so you better start early. -
The Monday Press: Drudkh, Alestorm, Auroch, and More!
Another Tuesday edition of The Monday Press. Come get your day-old newspaper and use it for covering your floor from ...