Sound Off: You have a hugely popular band. What’s your entrance music?
Take the stage to the strains of your favorite movie soundtrack! *power metallers immediately look up title theme from Krull* -
Month Without Metal, Week 4: This is the End
In all of my wisdom I have elected to give up metal for the month of February. What follows below ... -
Washington Think Tank: When Does an Album of the Year Become an All-Time Favorite?
Every December, the entire metal blogosphere collectively loses its crap in a giant ego-stroking endeavor known as “listmania.” Top ten ... -
Review: Anthrax – For All Kings
I like all periods of Anthrax and consider myself a fan of the band, so while I was immensely excited ... -
Joe’s 200th Post: A Celebration of Self-Congratulatory Masturbation
A retrospective of the greatest early works by a modern literary visionary, Joe Thrashnkill. -
Let’s Live Blog Pooper Bowl 50!
Today is Super Bowl 50. To celebrate, let’s live blog this thang. -
A Guide to Mountain Metal
The mountain seems no more a soulless thing, But rather as a shape of ancient fear, In darkness and the ... -
Sunday Sesh: What Album Are You Most Thankful For?
Thanksgiving is over, but that doesn’t mean we need to stop reflecting on what’s best in life. In today’s Sunday ... -
Washington Think Tank: Does Artistic Intent Matter?
Greetings and welcome back to another edition of Washington Think Tank. 2015 is winding down. The flow of great releases ... -
The Top Ten Metal Mascots: The Definitive Ranking
We metalheads are a peculiar breed. As much as we love maligning Buzzfeed and other basic things that normies enjoy, we ...