Tech Death Thursday: Enfold Darkness


Are you ready?

So, in terms of news there really doesn’t seem to be much aside from Vale of Pnath amping up the teasing and this hilarious music video from Allegaeon. It’s like there’s some giant stupid corporate holiday that stresses everyone out looming on the horizon or something…

As many of you know, I’m like some sort of hero or something. I may have saved the world a few times, disarmed a few bombs, interrogated a few terrorists. I also kidnapped a corrupt president if memory serves me. While all these things are fine and dandy, it seems I have also committed a major atrocity. No it does not involve liking the Pretty Reckless, that’s a damn fine decision if I may say so myself. However, I have neglected to feature a certain band that I should have featured ages ago. That band is Enfold Darkness. Enfold Darkness are the unrepentant gods of blackened tech-death and anyone who says otherwise clearly has a case of the lolbuttz. Exhibit A:

Just listen to how menacingly evil that open riff sounds! I could listen to that riff all day!. There is no shortage of talent in this band. If the riffs arent enough for you there are also some extremely epic solos. Vocals reminicent of the Black Dahlia Murder, combined with the production and feel of of a black metal band are complemented by the time signatures, pace, and technicality of tech death. It all combines to make one hell of a package. I absolutely love the black metal vibe these guys have, and this is coming from someone who normally isn’t all that impressed with black metal unless we’re talking about the Venom cover that Vader did. Another thing that I have always liked about these guys is that they don’t sound brutal. Now I don’t mean that as a bad thing — obviously brutal is good — but I believe finesse and flow is even better in some instances. The songs Enfold Darkness write flow like lava down the side of a mountain, at an ominous, sort of brooding pace. Or maybe I’m just crazy and should stop rambling. I’m having trouble finding the exact words to describe why I love this band. They aren’t your typical tech death, and I think that uniqueness is a big reason why I’m having brain farts right now. Anyway, now that I have sufficiently made an idiot out of myself, let me just say again that these guys do a phenomenal job of combining black metal and tech death into one badass package. If you are a fan of either you should do yourself a favor and check them out some more.

Enfold Darkness released their most recent album Our Cursed Rapture back in 2009 via Sumerian Records, and are supposed to be releasing a new one next year, so be prepared for that. I thought I remembered them posting some teaser for the new album, however I can’t seem to find it. If any of you know where that is, feel free to post it in the comments. Here’s one more song for the road:

That’s it for this week, next week should be another community written thing if all goes according to plan.

Until next time,

Stay Tech

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