Tech Death Thursday: The Aftermath – “Bleached”


We’re bringing you a new tune today courtesy of The Aftermath, featuring members of Deviant Process!

That name drop isn’t just to drum up hype among tech death nerds; Deviant Process put forth an incredibly intense debut album a couple years back, and with Stéphane Simard and Philippe Cimon sharing guitar and bass duties respectively between the two bands, you can expect the same level of intensity from The Aftermath. And it is indeed intense; we got our first taste of Vermine with “The Void” two weeks ago, showcasing a style of dissonant tech death pretty far removed from the Gorguts– and Ulcerate-influenced bands we’ve been seeing a lot of lately.

That style is further defined with “Bleached,” the album’s second single. Where other dissonant bands take their time to build atmosphere with murky chords, this is fast and harsh, lashing out with manic fervor. It’s also more horizontally-oriented, focusing less on dense chords and more on spidery arpeggios and alien scale runs. Following the guitar is a feat of aural acrobatics, as the song is based on a handful of motifs rather than riffs, and they all fly by at lightning speed. The drums go just as hard, constantly keeping you on your toes as they change feeling and beats between ideas. Snaking its way through it all is a masterful bass performance reminiscent of Colin Marston’s Crator appearance, and the half-shriek, half-roar vocals provide perfect accompaniment to the chaos. Witness this glorious cacophony for yourself:

Vermine comes out June 22nd on PRC Music. If you like what you heard today, be sure to let The Aftermath know on yonder Facebook page.

Is your band tech as heck? Got a juicy piece of news or an upcoming release to watch? Send it my way at and I’ll check it out. I might even talk about it.

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