Premiere: Burial In The Sky – “Nautilus’ Cage”


We’re bringing you a new song from atmospheric prog-death act Burial In The Sky. It’s death metal that will make you feel good!

Look, I know there’s more and more of this type of death metal floating around these days. I know a lot of people prefer to keep their feet (and ears) firmly on the ground instead of getting a musical tour of the astral plane. But I also know that this particular subgenre is young enough that everyone doing it is exploring it in their own unique way, and I think anyone who gives a real listen to them will find at least one they like. Where some shroud themselves in mysticism and others engage in sorrowful introspection, Burial In The Sky have turned to a warmer, more comforting sound. It’s brought out in both their songwriting and lyrical themes, as put by the band:

“We want people to feel certain things that sometimes can’t be as easily expressed with the extreme side of music. We focused a lot more on the psychedelic, progressive, and atmospheric sides to the band to help evoke those emotions. From the perspective of composition, we really wanted people to be able to just enjoy this record. We tried to make it a good balance of accessible yet sonically complex and intriguing.
Conceptually, it travels into the world of perception becoming the creation of all life. The thought process is the way we perceive things guides own personal reality. So in a sense, our world is our own. The way that you see it could be vastly different than me. With this record, we take the stories of great thinkers, mathematicians, inventors, activists, etc to try and paint an entire picture of life and all its small yet beautiful nuances through the way these people perceived it.”

“Nautilus’ Cage” is the embodiment of these ideas. It’s creative and progressive, only indulgent in the atmosphere it creates. While it explores some unconventional rhythms, the band never seeks to overwhelm you with technical prowess, and the emotional swell this song comes to near its end is nothing short of masterful. The idea of relaxing death metal is still an odd one even in the current diverse musical landscape, but Burial In The Sky make it work somehow.

Creatio et Hominus is out on June 1st through Bandcamp. If you want to hear more, you can also check out “The Pivotal Flame” and “Tesla” for more atmospheric goodness. Be sure to check the band out on Facebook as well.

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