
This Toilet Tuesday (11/19/2024)


Denizens of the deepest Bowl, subterranean sewage sinners, gather round, for we have such shid to show you. This week we’ve got blind titans, old man prog, and a band that thankfully had no connection to Tool. Dive in, scoop up, let us know what we missed!


Ante-Inferno – Death’s Soliloquy (Vendetta Records) [Blackened Death]

“Finally, some peace and quiet—I can begin writing my AotY post!” Suddenly, disembodied arms of onyx gripped tight around my throat, scattering carefully curated scrolls across the floor. Enter Ante-Inferno’s crestfallen blackened death, a concoction of Dewfallian medieval melodies and DSBM’s droning lack of hope. The preview tracks display a wide range of vocal styles—from skramz to the phlegm of black metal’s second wave—and transition deftly between moments of grandeur (all mid-paced double bass and post-metal leads) and spikes of dissonance to bring listeners out of their reveries. Together with punchy drum production and the songwriting prowess to know when to let some air into our lungs, Death’s Soliloquy is a tolling bell I’ll be glad to answer this Friday. -Roldy

10,000 Years – All Quiet on the Final Frontier (Ripple Music) [Stoner Metal]

Accu§er – Rebirthless (MDD Records) [Thrash / Groove Metal]

Aeon Gods – King of Gods (Scarlet Records) [Symphonic Power / Heavy Metal]

Akaamelda – Death Equals Relief (Independent) [Melodeath]

Artery – Last Chance (Great Dane Records) [Deathrash / Groove Metal]

Bestial Tongues/World Eater – Split (Frozen Screams Imprint) [Death]

Body Void/Sunrot – Split (Independent) [Sludge / Doom / Drone]

Carnal Savagery – Graveworms, Cadavers, Coffins and Bones (Moribund Records) [Death]

Cyclops Cataract – Imperial Might (Independent) [Symphonic Blackened Death]

Dawn of Destiny – IX (El Puerto Records) [Power]

DeadlySins – Age of Revelation (Adipocere Records) [Thrash]

Doro – Rock ‘N’ Roll Xmas Party (Rare Diamonds Productions) [Heavy Metal]

Exuvial – The Hive Mind Chronicles Part I – Parasitica (Silent Pendulum Records) [Prog Death]

Fellowship – The Skies Above Eternity (Scarlet Records) [Symphonic Power]

Goblin Hovel – Gobischkevrot! (Independent) [Death/Doom / Folk Metal]

Golgothan Remains – Bearer of Light, Matriarch of Death (Dark Descent Records) [Blackened Death]

Gutless – High Impact Violence (Me Saco un Ojo Records) [Death]

Harmonize Oracle – Before The Oracle (Independent) [Thrash / Symphonic Heavy Metal]

Heaven-Gemini – Luonnonoikku (Inverse Records) [Prog Metal]

Hevn III – S/T (Polypus Records) [Black]

High Warden – Astral Iron (Dying Victims Productions) [Doom]

Immerits – Visceral Nightmares (Independent) [Death]

Immortal Force – Mystic Seance Unrealities (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions) [Death]

Iniquitous Savagery – Edifice of Vicissitudes (Willowtip Records) [Brutal Death]

Internment – Legacy of Blood (Independent) [Blackened Death]

Kiko Loureiro – Theory of Mind (Victor) [Instrumental / Prog Metal]

KingCrown – Nova Atlantis (Rockshots Records) [Symphonic Power / Heavy Metal]

Kruelty – Profane Usurpation (Closed Casket Activities) [Death/Doom / Hardcore]

Maat – From Origin to Decay (F.D.A. Records) [Death]

Machete Tactics – Infinite Terror (Bang the Head Records) [Deathrash]

My Wall – Over (Independent) [Sludge / Stoner Doom]

Nekropsalms – The Devil Never Reveals Himself in Vain (Headbanger’s Behavior) [Death]

Opeth – The Last Will and Testament (Reigning Phoenix Music) [Prog Metal]

Orso – Caffè? (No Sun Records) [Post-Metal / Sludge]

Osy Mainty – 666 (Masters of Kaos Productions) [Experimental Black / Industrial]

Pestilectomy – Soundtrack to an Embalming Room (Reality Fade Records) [Brutal Death / Slam]

Poisöned Speed – Roadkill Music Vol. 1 (Barhill Records) [Speed / Heavy Metal]

Primordial Woods – Apotr​ó​paios (Independent) [Dungeon Synth]

Purgatorial – Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls (These Hands Melt) [Blackened Death]

Raptore – Renaissance (Dying Victims Productions) [Heavy Metal]

Repuked – Club Squirting Blood (Soulseller Records) [Death]

Rvkkvs – Antithesis of Prosperity (Independent) [Deathgrind]

Sign of the Jackal – Heavy Metal Survivors (Dying Victims Productions) [Heavy Metal]

Silent Winter – Utopia (No Remorse Records) [Prog/Power]

Slať – Elegie propastná (Doomentia Records) [Sludge / Stoner Doom]

Starwraith – Distant Shores (Independent) [Symphonic Melodeath / Folk Metal]

Stenched – Purulence Gushing from the Coffin (Me Saco un Ojo Records) [Death]

Sunstorm – Restless Fight (Frontiers Records) [Heavy Metal / Hard Rock]

Tyrantti – Ihmispyramidi (Nahka-Levyt) [Heavy Metal]

Unholy Night – Atomic Sorcery (Motorpunk Records) [Blackened Speed]

Vixenta – The Oubliette (Independent) [Black]

Vrag – Rendületlenül (Filosofem Records) [Black]

Warhog – The Dystopian Chronicles, Vol. 2 (Independent) [Groove / Heavy Metal]

Weight Shift – Haled from Aether (Independent) [Sludge / Doom]

Xandria – Universal Tales (Napalm Records) [Symphonic Metal]

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